Friday, September 02, 2011

Sinking: A Short Story

The first time Tuck walked on water, he lost one of his favorite shoes. He paused as the sun speckled surface blinded his eyes. Feeling his wet foot, he caught sight of the brown leather sneaker bubbling down into the murky abyss below. His body froze as his eyes tried to react. In that second, he slumped, knowing he missed his chance to grab it. Sighing, he watched the shadow grow faint and the color of the sea swallowed his shoe whole. 

The teacher warned them not to break concentration with the trees on the other shore. In preparation for this moment, they had spent hours imagining themselves, "Floating on specs of sand," "Hovering over mountain tops," "Stepping onto clouds," and "Hopping on the moon." 

As he stood, his ankles pulled on his body. His pants sucked in water and his knees became millstones of the corpses they would sink in the middle of the lake. He forced his dense arms over his head in the "O" shape they had taught as a sign for rescue. The effort caused his chest to sink under. He gulped air and closed his eyes to the light. 
The first moment he remembered was the one when he stepped over the railing of the boat onto the sand. His legs fell through the crust and he grabbed at the pebbles with open palms. Hands gripped his armpits and hoisted him onto his legs. Embarrassed, he tried again to make his muscles firm, bending knees to keep from tipping. Someone behind him yelled, "get used to the weight. It's what happens to those who look down."
He heard the words and fell backwards onto his bottom, the hard impact shattering his bones. Looking at the road beyond the beach, he saw his father's face looking at him through the Chevy window, waiting for him to get in. 

[A bit from Matthew 14:22 - 32]
Jesus walks towards them on the water
Disciples: "Its a ghost."
Jesus: "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."
Peter: "Lord, if it you, tell me to come to you on the water." 
Jesus: "Come."
Peter steps onto the water and walks towards Jesus. Seeing the wind, he becomes scared and starts to sink.
Peter "Lord, save me!"
Jesus takes his hand and says, "You of little faith, why did you doubt?" 

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