This is the irony of my own story as I purchase "Stitches," Lamott's new book in preparation for the conference, which I still need to sign up for. I flipped through a few pages of that book and also, "Help, Wow, Thanks" and land in the vague acknowledgments of God, when her first pages say things like, I don't know much about God and maybe God has meaning in my life. It makes me pause before buying, which I do eventually do.
I hate the way I choose to skirt and avoid and pretend my faith, to avoid labels and association with rigid or labeled Theologians. I am always writing between the lines about why or how or what makes me believe, in such a way as to understand how one goes from ME as my own god, to believing enough to follow Jesus. I look at people who I admire in the church and think, why do you believe, and in the next moment at others to say, "why don't you believe." This always leads back to what makes me decide on Christ's death and resurrection as the crux of my own identity, my own ability to interpret God in the stars, to creating my arch nemesis in his image, and to pause before stepping on the first floor to ask God for a bigger view of love.
My three year old came home from church yesterday with colorful paper chain links that said the following, "I'm thankful for's," with blue marker words, "my brother," on one, and "for piggies, kitties and dogs," on the second. The other six were blank. I thought, how nice, this is thanksgiving preparation. He looked at me and said, "God puts people in prison," and stuck his hands on the end chains, to which I said, "What?" My first response was, "God doesn't put people in prison." He then said "they have wood on their feet." It made me nod as I thought, oh some disciple or follower must have been put in prison in the story they read. But who put them there and why, maybe it was in some way God?
I am in awe of the Bible stories that are all about people wanting to kill Christians. Why hate so extremely? 11 of the 12 disciples are murdered, and the last one John sits as a prisoner on an island writing letters towards the end of the New Testament. What of his belief and response to God? Obedience.
I started reading the Count of Monte Christo two years ago and am about half way at this point. It feels like hell to watch The Count spend hours calculating people's intentions and trying to help them fall into the darkest holes of hate, murder and greed and evil within themselves. I suppose that is the opposite in my mind of The Count living in prison with a man who loves him and believes in him. Where would he be best served? In relationships that are real! Not to spoil the ending, but my husband keeps telling me that it is worth reading, meaning there must be some redemption and better that comes of all the heartache.
I suppose this is where I end this post, both with the question to you of why you believe and what you pit your choices on, not just what you know or others tell you, but the moments that you jump in or out of choosing to trust another with your life.
Oh, and you should definitely go to the Faith and Writers Conference!!!