Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Thoughts on Effectiveness

What motivates YOU to get up in the morning (i.e. what do you look forward to and dread)? Similarly, what keeps YOU up at night? I believe these questions speak to our underlying sense of what matters to us at a moment in time. This drives choices, actions and reactions. The more we can author and channel these driving forces, the more we can get to what matters most to us.


Sally's blog said...

You have me thinking. I mentioned to Ron during the "motivation" component of "effectiveness", it is really physical for me. The degree of pain I feel in my neck and back, determines how and when I get up in the morning. (Usually it is hard for me to get up and get moving.) I appreciate the thought you offer - to go beyond, dig deeper i.e. I really would like to be healthier so I have better odds of living longer for my young daughters sake. I know if I can move w/out physical discomfort, I could be a better parent. So, if I am driven by being healthier, I should be able to get through the pain for the moment in the morning to get swimming, get to physical therapy, get to the naprapath, take my herbs etc.

Thanks for pushing me.

Bill Alexander said...

Typically my mornings are motivated by a desire for more sleep, or a prayer that they baby will go back to sleep so that I might also enjoy the same.

I need to find better ways to focus on longer term goals and motivate action toward them. I'm typically not motivated in the morning, instead I am merely distracted by the pending to-do list of the day. Work, e-mail, reports, projects, dinner, kids to bed, etc...too many days go by with so few realized opportunities to stop, pause, see the future want and really take a step forward to get it.

KCK said...

Well stated. I agree. In fact I experienced a recent change in life based upon something that got me up in the morning.

About 3 weeks ago I experienced a sense of anxiety that I could not make go away. I could not rest sleep or move past the feeling. At 3 in the morning, I prayed please tell me what do I do with this pain, and how can I keep any other individual from experiencing such pain?

I immediately got up and went onto my PC and onto the web. In a matter of hours I mapped out the next 10 years of my life.

Since then I began an e-com business entitled the same name as my mother's book celebrating the life of my grandmother, set up tests to take professional exams and plan to embark upon another grad degree. All of these things are driven for my need to make a difference.

Since then, I still have bouts of difficulty sleeping. I use that time to study for test, do homework, and develop new business ideas. It is the challenge of 'channeling those forces' that I am trying to manage at this time.

I enjoyed your comments.